About Competitive Trail Riding (CTR)

SCATER provides a huge range of organised horse riding activities throughout the year, including trail rides, navigation rides, and the growing sport of Competitive Trail Riding (CTR)

Competitive Trail Riding is a sport which involves a horse and rider negotiating a course within a specified time, being challenged at judge points involving various obstacles along the way.  The course distances generally range from 16 to 32 kilometres, with a set riding pace of between 6 and 10 kilometres an hour.

CTR’s are one of the only sports in which riders and horses are judged separately, with riders judged on the care and handling of their horse as well as their riding skill. Horses are judged on their willingness to perform the rider’s requests, manners and ability.
It is not a race !

All horses are given a horse health assessment before and after competition to ensure their welfare is not compromised.

Normally for weekend events, riders arrive at the ride base, set up camp, nominate with the Ride Secretary/Master and attend the ride briefing on Saturday, with the competition commencing early Sunday morning.   For one day rides all this is completed on the day of competition.

Attending the ride briefing is essential as that is where details of the trail and competition are discussed and the competitor’s numbers are given out.

Competition morning involves riders presenting their horses saddled and ready to ride a minimum of 15 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time to the Ride Marshal, who will direct them to their first judge point, and the ride is underway……..

We would love to welcome you to our club and sport, so come along and give it a try.

Competitive Trail Riding How to Enjoy the Sport

What happens on CTR day?

Download more information on the sport of Competitive Trail Riding.